The Professional Members Benefit Fund (PMBF) provides emergency financial assistance to Professional and Legacy CAPS members who are facing one of the following crises:

Personal Tragedy

Catastrophic Health Issue

Natural Disaster​​
People in the speaking business typically run small businesses that don’t always provide the same level of support that large organizations provide to employees. While we expect and encourage entrepreneurs to provide for their own future needs, it is appropriate to consider how the CAPS Foundation can help those in our profession who need help.
We understand that individuals who are applying for PMBF grants are experiencing difficult circumstances. Upon receiving an application, the PMBF committee will conduct a preliminary review to ensure that the basic criteria has been met. If so, a member of the PMBF Committee will be contacting you to determine your need. This information, along with any other information gathered, will be relayed to the PMBF committee to make a final determination. Please remember that the Professional Members Benefit Fund (PMBF) is not a replacement for responsible financial management of your business.
During the application process, the PMBF committee may interview individuals who are familiar with your circumstances. All grants are subject to review by the CAPS Foundation. The names of applicants will not be revealed to the general CAPS membership. We will of course expedite communications in cases of extreme urgency. In most cases, the decision will be made and communicated to the applicant in less than 30 days.
To begin the process, you can either complete the application online or you can download the application and mail it to the address indicated on the form. Both options are available via the link buttons below.
If you'd like more information about eligibility, click the FAQ button below. If you have additional question, please send an email to: